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 At present we have a number of movies hopefully to be made in the next 10 years, that are constantly being developed over a unlimted time frame. we are allways looking for new partners to help in development of our projects and as we grow as a production comapny will offer new projects from the movies industry.
3 Projects are currently being developed; 
Movie: 'Ruthless'
TV: 'Homeless'
Animation: 'Shinobi Twins'

 At present we have a number of movies hopefully to be made in the next 10 years, that are constantly being developed over a unlimted time frame. we are allways looking for new partners to help in development of our projects and as we grow as a production comapny will offer new projects from the movies industry.
All our awards from through out the industry will be shown here in detail at present as we are only starting out we are looking for partners to help in financing our movie , TV and animation projects


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